Friday, October 19, 2018

LGBT advert planning

Charity name: Power of Pride

Slogan:  Show your true colours...


  • Slow motion cinematic of a person curled up in a ball, alone in a sub-urban setting, helping to present aloneness.
  • Gradual fade of music to help foreshadow the happier ending to our advert.
  • Cinematics of people taking fun of the child.


  • 35% of teens in the LGBT community have planned suicide.
  • 25% of the teens in the LGBT community have attempted suicide in the previous years.
  • Close up shots of each individual with voice overs added over the clips to ad a serious stage.
  • The music is gradually building up to the drop.


  • Cinematics of the individual leading the march, then the camera pans out showing the vast squad supporting the individual.
  • Everyone is dressed in vibrant colours and a potential use of glitter and flares.

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