Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Boys In the Hood

Mise en Scene
C- Tre is presented with rather formal clothes contrasting to a stereotypical american boy which helps match his personality. The teacher is dresses in slightly less formal clothing presenting a potential lack of responsibility. Whilst Tre's mother is dressed very formally whilst being complained at over the phone by the teacher contrasting the both character stereotypes.
L- Natural lighting is used whilst the children walk to school.
A- The main character is the young boy and his friends, helping the audience echo how later within the film that these charters will change and how their upbringing will have effected their future selves.
M- N/a
P- The poster of the president is a key prop as it had bullet holes around the face signifying the hatred and violence of the neighbourhood.
S- The setting varies from outside walking down the street, the children act as if it is a normal day even though a shooting and sirens could be heard throughout the clip!

M- N/a
C- N/a
D- Diegetic sounds can be heard by the actors and actresses, such as dogs barking and police sirens to help portray the corruption within the neighbourhood.
O- However the noises such as police sirens are shown off screen. Also various gun shots are off screen whilst the trailer starts with a black screen.
V- N/a
E- Confused, worried, scared, unsafe.
D- The young Tre is presented to be a rather smart and intellectual character for his age as his teacher calls his mother and emphasises how developed his vocabulary is.

D- Opens with a fact, try to and inform the audience about a tragic event so that they feel sympathetic.
I- The short trailer shows children's point of view of a corrupt town in LA, contrasting to a stereotypical children's fun and enjoyable upbringing.
S- Rough neighbourhood, Stray dogs are eating out of the rubbish that has been left.
T- Violence, Corruption, Sadness.
I- Blood, Posters, gun shots, bullet holes.
N- The path of following children to teenagers and showing their future.
C- Children, teachers and Tre's mother.
T- Slang has been used to help echo their future of corruption in the streets of LA.

S- Tre is presented with the most camera time, meaning he could be potentially the main character and the heart of the plot.
T- The transitions are very smooth to true and keep it as real as possible.
O- The trailer is shown in a chronological order, within a time period of the 1960's.
P- The pace to begin with seems rather rushed due to the shouting and gun shots, however the tempo shortly changes and bring it back to a more stable environment through a slower pace.
S- N/a

1 comment:

  1. There is some music, example of dialogue. For eg Tre's diegetic dialogue 'I can do that' shows ... Good analysis you can merge camera and mise en scene together so the low angle close up of the stop sign can signify...
