Thursday, September 13, 2018


Semiotics - Study of signs

  • message
  • Photos 
  • videos
  • calendar
  • notes 
  • music
Phone- use app images that are associated with use, (e.g a calculator uses + -) to help signify the image. Or use an image to directly show the use e.g clock to present the time.

Denotation - what it is within the image (red cross).

Connotation - what we understand from this (death,  England) 

  • relaxed body language showing a comical and happy vibe which will be presented.
  • Musical, typical school characters/stereotypes. 
  • Good vs Evil.
  • Various ethnicity.
  • Various body sizes.
  • Crossing usual stereotype.

Image result for netflix program poster stranger things
  • The background setting seems to be in a abandoned field, consisting of scarecrows. Scarecrows are often associated with horror and sci-fi, potentially creating an eerie effect.
  • The characters clothes seem to be out dated and old fashioned representing the outdated setting, also a gas station sign seems to be reasonable old, potentially outlining the lack of technology.
  • The child at the top of the poster seems to represent evil, whilst the other characters seem to have innocent and scared faces representing the innocence and 'good' characters.
  • Props are very significant within the image, a baseball bat is presented with nails in either end suggesting a violent atmosphere/evil trying to harm the innocent. Also a map is present suggesting a mystery type story line creating a potential gripping story line to help absorb viewers.
  • Within the poster there is a range of characters, boys, girls and older generations. Along with the colour scheme, red creates an angry/devilish type mood; whereas the blue colour scheme creates a more chilling and sinister theme. With these two combined it creates a reasonably scary visage.

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