Monday, September 10, 2018

Summer Work

Summer Task 1:

Image result for action film coversThe Ride Along cover shows ideas of both an action film; packed comedy, this is firstly shown through the actors presented within this film; both Ice Cube and Kevin Hart are well respected within the comedy and acting society. However the key detail shown within either actors facial expression present a slightly humorous side. As Kevin heart is presented as a comical character with a potential to commit  many humorous acts within certain scenes within the film. Therefore this front cover will mainly attract attention to the teenage age category and also potentially the elder society due to the image around the actors presented.  The use of an explosion like image in the background of the front cover also helps the viewer of the film to feel intended in watching the film due to the various action scenes intended in the film. Viewers of the film I believe would potentially watch this film due to the entertainment emphasised through the front cover suggesting a quality film, attention to small details allows the viewer to infer the film comedy levels.

Summer Task 2
The Deutschland 83 trailer opens with the use of a split screen, this is use to create a potential ambiguous meaning throughout. Firstly, graphic war imagery is presented on either side of the screen emphasising the political divide through the east and the west republics. Straight away dramatic music is played throughout the trailer presented again the reality of the war and serious side towards the show. Shortly after another split screen is used showing various personal views between the east and west, presenting the physical divide however the variation in state of mental and physical state of happiness and freedom. However the use of split screen could also be perceived to show the transition of occupation, lifestyle or personality between the east and west states in this time period. The west side presents a visage of a myriad of fresh fruits which could help represent the new choices available to his new lifestyle.

A transition from a serious state to an action packed comedy type drama is present through the use of a different sound track (with a excitable beat) which begins to change the tempo of the advert from almost emotional and serious to laughable. However shortly after a woman is presented to be aiming a gun at the main male actor which could raise questions as it goes against the stereotypical role to woman in that time period, again which gains interest for viewers watching the trailer. A range of camera angles and shots are used through out the trailer commemorating the various situations within a war. In addition, throughout the trailer many short clips are bound together to create an action packed film to help grip the audience ; whilst many close ups are used to focus only on one characters face so that the audience can understand their emotions and allows them to feel empathetic towards that character to gain more of an understanding of the specific scene. Many low angle shots are included so that the audience either have to look up to the character or are unable to gain the full understanding of the scene to help the imagination flow, usually these camera angles are used to make the character look powerful and make the audience feel vulnerable and maybe feel empathy for other characters that would be within this situation.

Finally, the advert finishes with a full shot which contains a complete view of the characters. From this shot, viewers can take in the costumes and parts of the scene from behind the characters. Therefore, the audience are mainly focused of one character and suddenly a vast explosion takes place! Which signifies the action packed drama that lies ahead and helps foreshadow for-coming events.

  • Split screen
  • Divide between the East and West (Physical War)
  • Two different occupations, so showing his potential split life/personality.
  • Life has now changed form following orders to becoming his own boss, represented by the visual of the shop with a various choices contrasting to his past.
  • Women with a gun contrasts the gender stereotype, causing potential confusing and a gripping atmosphere.
  • Tension
  • Intense music
  • Explosions
  • Dramatic music to help interpret intense situations
Image result for brexit result daily mail
Summer Task 3

 As shown on the left the very large and bold title speaks for its self! It is this way to catch the eye of the reader and let them know instantly the important news without having to dig to deep into the story. Then above the vast title a picture has been inserted showing Jeremy Corbyn, who was very honest on his opinions upon brexit therefore is presents boldly. The pictures emphasises joy and excitement however not everyone will be enjoying this moment therefore people may disagree with the use of this title and image. This news story is mainly appealing to the older generation and they have the right to vote and decide upon this matter however it could also relate to parts of the younger generation due to the future being in our hands.

Protein World 'beach body ready' poster: the advertising watchdog has received around 270 complaints
The controversial ad campaign featuring a model in a bikini that asks “Are you beach body ready?” has been banned by the advertising watchdog because of “concerns” over its weight loss claimsAfter receiving about 360 complaints about the campaign, mostly that it objectified women, the Advertising Standards Authority has also launched an inquiry into whether the ad is offensive.
As shown by many posts online many people internationally are not happy about the way this advert was advertised due to the picture potentially showing offence to many women as it is suggest all women should have an unhealthy body to look presentable for the world to see. This is suitable for both men and women due to the severity of the case. If the picture was a man with a similar stereotypical 'beach body look' then the same complaints would have arose! 

However 'This  girl can campaign' differs from the beach body poster as it suggest you dont have to look or be a certain way to achieve what you aspire in life. As women who do not have the slimest waistline or do not look what they should to be know as 'perfect' by everyone but show true strength and determination to achieve their goals. Instead of gaining hate this video helps inspire many females worldwide to achieve what they want do to the inclusiveness all types of women.

Summer Task 4
  • The 'Big Six' helps represent the largest companies presenting the Us and Canadian box office largest revenue (80-85%) of the total. These big six companies consist of' 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros, Paramount Pictures, Columbia Pictures, Universal Pictures & Walt Disney. However due to recent exponential growth and popularity for Disney; a deal has been requested between Disney and 20th century fox. The more developed and emerging companies such as Disney seek a chance to eliminate smaller and helpless opposition by removing them the well known 'Big Six'.
  • Companies owned by Disney:
  • ABC Television group
  • ESPN Inc.
  • Walt Disney Park and Resorts
  • Lucasfilm ltd
  • Marvel entertainment
Large Media Project 

Fox: The film production of The Predator. It was directed by Shane Black and produced by John Davis. It had a budget of $18 million. It seemed as though the advertisement campaign was via the Fox production productions website with many options for your location and the language that you speak to help and appeal to a wider audience to help and promote where the film was being viewed near you. Then the theatrical trailer for Predator creates a fearful, nervy atmosphere not knowing when something is likely to strike!

Warner Bros:  Warner Bros explores another dark corner of the universe with 'The Nun'. The budget for the Nun was estimated to be around $22 million and as of September 7th the Nun has grossed $22.4 million in the US and Canada and $32.1 million in other regions! Therefore overall the Conjuring franchise series is Ranked 5th globally; resulting in another successful outcome. YouTube gifted the Nun the best viral marketing campaign due to an add ruining the potential within the trailer, therefore not always vast companies provide the best coverage.

Paramount Pictures:  Transformer: The Last Knight was released in 2017 and was classed as a scientific fiction action film based around the Transformers franchise. It is the fifth installment of the Transformers film series. However the film met an unfavourable reception from the film critics. It was nominated for 10 awards, including worst picture, worst director and worst actor for Wahlberg. It grossed $605 million dollars over a $217 million budget. (Making it the lowest grossing film in the franchise). Posters were a vast part of the films publicity for fellow fans and collectors to analyse and collect for the future film to show, whilst each piece left a piece of evidence of existing characters -both human and robot-. Also the official trailers dropped on the front page of the official websites as well as many other social networking sites for the rest of the world to glance at creating a larger viewing platform potentially gaining a larger revenue for the future to come.

Columbia Pictures: Jumanji, return to the jungle was released Wednesday 20th December 2017 nationwide. Containing a very well known and well respected cast including, Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Nick Jonas! The production budget consisted of $90 million with a world wide box of performance of $962 million and Total domestic video sales $55 million. Resulting in a very larger success overall! However this film does not only appeal to those in the youth category however many adults due to the previous release of the original Jumanji which was aired on 16th February 1996, which supposedly help rocket the box office statistics for a further success worldwide.

Universal Pictures: Despicable Me 3 was released on June 30th 2017. The productions budget was $80 million, returning a whopping $1.04 billion, with a release in over 4500 theatres and was ranked 19th ever in the animation category. Pharrell Williams attracted attention of fans of his music to potentially watch the film however also gain many supporters by those just watching the film out of interest therefore both methods help the film franchise potentially thrive. 

Walt Disney: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is a 2017 American fantasy film. It is the fifth instalment to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. The films received mixed reviews, however it returned $794 million worldwide against an estimated budget between $230-320 million. Johnny Depp has been classed as the heart for the series with other actors supporting such as Geoffrey Rush. Due to the well known cast within the series it has gained not only a younger audience however other viewers ranging in older ages due to previous films consisting of this similar cast. Overall Walt Disney has had a budget of $1.2 billion and has returned a profit of over $4.5 million.

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