Friday, September 21, 2018

Three favourite types of media

My favorite forms of media:

Firstly, I believe i spend most of my spare time browsing various social media platforms; from Snapchat to Instagram. Personally i enjoy viewing many of my friends experiences which could help commemorate the good times shared between them and myself.  Snap chat provides many services that helps entertain many individuals within my age group from viewing celebrity's days away or sharing funny pictures with various digital filters and lenses.
Image result for snapchat

Secondly, I also enjoy many comical Television programmes such as 8/10 cats does countdown, A League of their own and The Inbetweeners. I often watch these programme types due to the comedy side and the audience target being my age group therefore is becomes very relatable to teenage life. With myriads of episodes many scenarios are created, creating many comical moments attracting all positive attention.
Image result for the inbetweeners
Thirdly, I listen to the radio 1 breakfast show occasionally. I usually enjoy this because the topics that are discussed are usually again relatable to student life; it carries and entertaining factor. Often various challenges arise which become global forming another entertainment factor which i enjoy.
Image result for radio 1 breakfast show

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