Thursday, March 28, 2019

Old Spice Advertising notes

Image result for old spice
  • Old spice was created in 1934 by William Lightfoot Schultz.
  • 1937 introduced for women.
  • 2012 iconic clipper ship logo replaced with yacht.
  • 1938 introduced for male.
  • Gender orientated (male).
  • Perfect fathers day gift.
  • Previous adverts follow traditional conventions of stereotypes.
  • Masculine advertising, with representations of women that are irrelevant in the advertising. 
  • 60% of mens body washes were purchased by women so Old Spice needed to attract female shoppers.
  • Old spice market lacked masculine credibility.
  • Target audience 12-34 men and their women shoppers.
  • 'The man your man could smell like' on YouTube and Facebook to share and create a buzz. (seeding).
  • The advert was climaxing at the end of the super bowl and before, to make people think physiologically that the brand is important. 
  • Post launch, key ingredients.
  • Adverts were advertised during shows tat were watched by both sex, they started to introduced deals Buy one get one free (BOGOF).
  • YouTube - 10 million views.
  • Facebook, 55000 fans.

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