Friday, March 22, 2019

Big Issue Essay

Question 5 Explain how the representations in magazines reflect their contexts. Refer to The Big Issue covers you have studied to support your answer. [10]
Paddington a loveable, cute character which is respected by a vast audience is represented on the front of the Big issue, this corresponds to the problems migrants face when travelling to the Uk. Firstly, the colour scheme is very varied yet significant! The background is predominantly a cooling blue, blue connotes to sadness and a cold environment which a migrate will face when travelling to a strange country with no friends, family or support. The minor splash of red within the image helps represent the love and devotion that should be given and shared with all migrants. On the other hand, the golden yellow (marmalade) present helps emphasise the potential happiness and joy that the future holds for not just Paddington but all migrants (something good always comes from something bad). The bright street light signifies how Paddington is an icon, this is presented in this way to show how every individual is important in society and in their own way.
Celebrity culture is a major influence on magazines as lifestyle magazines, in particular, often feature celebrities on the front cover as the face of the magazine. This helps target a vast audience and grab attention over the very significant problem that isn’t everyone’s everyday problem therefore they can hopefully help understand others problems and give a helping hand; which is represented through a soft, fun, cartoon migrant to help ‘soften’ the subject and simply help other understand. The layout is dominated by one main image and some text. One image is used as it helps show the importance of the problem and how one image can paint a thousand words! The main image is London (Big ben and the houses of Parliament to be precise), how infrastructure is towering over him making most migrants insignificant, showing now escape or support. The clothes that Paddington is wearing represents the lack of preparation or financial support he has, as the clothing is not suitable for the cold harsh weathers in winter with no home. Therefore, this shows the lack of support and responsibility from the community. The intertextuality of the film and book is presented through the front cover, this is ambiguous as it presents the migration in the UK.  The term 'One OF US' brings the audience to reality allowing a potential for the audience to do something and help those in need.

Mumford and sons are present on the cover of the Big issue to help attract a vast audience to the magazine, to help raise awareness for homelessness. However, they are the main image to help promote their new tour! (Involving intertextuality between two target
audiences). The lighting behind the band is significant (bright and clear). The band are shown with happy faces and essences of laughing. The happy tones and bright backgrounds contrast against the deep red jacket, this is used to bring the tone back to reality and help correspond to the who are selling the magazine. The font is predominantly hand writing rather than solid text (Mast Head) this creates a light hearted atmosphere when reading it which potentially contrasts the whole context of the magazine. However, the typography still represents Mumford and son’s logo. The layout of this magazine includes the featured magazine being held by a big issue seller to show their system of selling the papers to help the homeless rehabilitate if they fail to obtain a home. It shows the passion of the magazine (to help those in need which is one of their aims).

1 comment:

  1. Intertextuality (the book and the film!) brand identity, marmalade
