Monday, November 5, 2018

Representation of a Music Video

What/who is being presented?
Urban parts of London are presented to be flooded with crime. Many Actors are representing a stereotypical view of teenagers and there actions via an 'Urban Safari' this emphasises that London's behavior is animal like and potentially being dangerous and uncomfortable to be around. 'CHAV' is the term used to aim predominantly at people who are living rough and involved in gang activity.(Creating a negative visage on London's urban areas).

How is it being presented?
The term 'Concrete Jungle' is used to describe the physical appearance of London suggesting the lack of freedom, it also juxtaposes one another, as 'concrete' connotes to a man made material foreshadowing no escape whereas a jungle is a very natural environment with no man made interaction.

How is the representation made to seem 'true', 'commonsense' or 'natural'?
It is represented as true; due to actual footage being used from the London riots, these problems are occurring within the corrupt areas within London. As stated within the music video the 'CHAVs' are not being helped economically with various job opportunity's which the government are being blamed for from various citizens within London.

What is the foreground and what is the background? Are there any notable absences?
The foreground is Plan B and various actors (gang members). This helps connect the idea of the 'concrete jungle' as a corrupt place (Background) and how it is filled with various individuals causing sin and pain to the community. E.g the riots.

Whose representation is it? Whose interests does it reflect? How do you know?
The music video is a representation of South London for the rest of the UK. It reflects Plan B's interests as he created the video as he appeals to a vast audience therefore the government to realize the 'Poor' peoples point off view (Due to there shortage within the social hierarchy). I realized this from the lyrics used within the video are very strong and powerful presenting his view and most importantly reality.

What have you learnt about the overall direction of the films representation?
Firstly, various camera shots, Angles and movements are used to emphasise the chaos in the streets in the South of London. Predominately eye level shots are present to help associate the audience with the authors message and reality. In addition, birds eye view shots are included to show the disturbing cinematic of the London's riots; again to try and reinforce the fact this is reality not a fantasy... Props such as flares, knives and balaclavas are all included to show the corruption. E.g a red flare was used to specifically represent danger that is to come within the streets of South London.

What way do you believe you have received the meaning of the film: through preferred, negotiated or oppositional reading? (Hall's theory).
I believe I have clearly understood the main message from Plan B's music video through a preferred reading, as the various graphic imagery and vocabulary used to is to crisp not to understand the corruption with London. The main evidence for this is the real videos used from the London's riots.

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