Monday, November 12, 2018

News analysis of front covers (HW)

Image result for the sun front page today

The Sun, Monday 23rd November 2015 (Tabloid)

The Sun, a tabloid, targets an audience of a middle/working class, therefore relating to the C2DE social class categories. Predominantly this is to be aimed at the Uk citizens who are either for or against the Muslim community/religion.
Article topic/Main points:
This shocking title is publishing the supposed that 1 in 5 Muslims have sympathy for jihads. The Tabloid’s claim, in a front page headline, was based on a survey of Muslim and non-Muslim opinions commissioned in the wake of the Paris attacks. The study found that 19% of the Muslims expresses at least ‘some sympathy’ with young Muslims who has left the Uk to join fighters in Syria. The front page story was linked to a column piece by former Sun editor Kelvin Mackenzie.
Key Headings:
‘1 in 5 Brit Muslims’ sympathy for jihads’ was the vast title dominating the Suns front cover on Monday the 23rd of November 2015. This was presented in this way to grip the audience into thinking that most Muslims have a negative effect upon the Uk. The use of ambiguous wording was a very sensitive topic for those reading. A smaller subtitle was also present, ‘Wake-up call’ after PARIS BLITZ, this was added to the main article to add a dramatic event on top of recent events pre this article.
Images used:
The small image inserted into the bottom right of the front page is a man dressed within a black head scarf hiding his identity, within his possession is a vast blade. This is what predominantly the audience reading this tabloid will believe Jihads visage is. Therefore, it instantly creates a negative image upon the story before even reading the text or the title. The knife was extremely important as it creates an impression that all Muslims want to harm the community.
Predominantly, through this article a negative message is being spread of Muslims within Europe and the Uk. Therefore, the publisher wanting the community to be aware of the danger that they are causing, however this is not the case present in reality.

Image result for the guardian front page

The Guardian, Thursday 31st of July 2014 (Broadsheet)

The Guardian target an educated, middle, left learning, 18+ audience.

Article topic/Main points: 
The world stands disgraced over the innocent sleeping children that have been killed in Israel. At least 15 killed in shelling of Gaza school shelter; whilst the death toll was over 1300 after three weeks of fighting.

Key Headings:
'The World stands disgraced'. This key, bold title instantly grips the audience! As the reader will usually think what has happened forcing them to read on a and discover the tragedy. This might get people thinking of how the wars are just killing however the result of them usually lead to peace worldwide or via certain nations.

Images Used:
A vast image of a crying child covered in cuts, debris and blood is centre of the Guardians front page emphasising to the the audience and the world, within these corrupt countries how innocent children are suffering and not living a normal life.

Image result for daily mail front page

The Daily Mail, Thursday 18th of August 2016 (Mid Market Tabloid)

The audience for the daily mail a Mid market tabloid is known to be adults from the age of 35+. In 2004 53% of readers voted for the conservative party, whilst 27% voted for labour party and 17% for the liberal democrats. Therefore the audience is reasonably spread predominantly towards the tory community. 

Article Topic/Main ideas:
A murderer electrocuted her ex lover with a 500,000 volt taser and left her paralysed! Shortly after stabbing her 40 times just due to jealousy! She was given a 30 year sentence, her actions were described as 'slaughtering like an animal' and 'an act of pure evil'. All she wanted to do was to win back her previous lover however another women stood in the way and she destroyed an innocent life...

Key Headings:
A vast title floods the page reading 'A CRIME OF PURE EVIL' which instantly grabs the audience attention as it helps the imagination of pure veil roam and try to guess what happend within the tragedy. Evil is a very strong word and helps emphasise terms such as wicked and harmful actions.

Images Used:
Three vast images are used to show various facial expressions e.g the man shows emotions of destruction and sadness through his head in his hands, where as the other pictures show to happy women, however this juxtaposes the news story as the woman on the left (murder) is now sentenced for a 30 year sentence therefore here facial expression will most predominantly not show happiness. On the other hand, the other women shown to be happy is now not present in this world therefore again happiness does not follow the actions she has had to face innocently.


  1. This is great, with useful examples for your exam. How would you compare the values and messages of both papers (with these examples in support) in one sentence?

    1. The tabloid newspapers (The Sun) predominantly try to notify the audience with various visages often with a stereotypical viewing however the broadsheets (The Guardian) use vast amounts of text to verbally inform the audience and message.
