Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Are Newspaper sales in decline?

The plummet of print copies (newspapers) has been widely affected, as the industry has faced depreciating ad sales, the loss of most classified advertising. Over the past few years various newspaper company's have either closed or suffered bankruptcy. The main reason the revenue has plunged is due to the competition from the internet media types. As the competition can provide faster, more up to date news which is easier for various people such as everyday commuters to receive and read these online media formats. However a growth in the newspaper on the Web helps return donations from various citizens to allow the company to gain some profit to keep the papers alive. 

Even though there has been a decline in print news circulation, the rise in online technologies and accessibility has enabled newspapers to entice more readers in by presenting more media types e.g videos from the story that has been published to add more drama/effect; which potentially helps make up for the lack of print copies being distributed and invested in. Another positive is that audience can comment on various articles, which helps one another interact about one another's opinions helping outline the whole story. However, many people can disagree with one another and become offensive or create an argument over one disagreement. Also all online news/applications usually require the internet to run and refresh for the latest news, unless is has been downloaded which may be confusing or take up space upon your technological device. Often recent stories are also removed due to new more 'important' news decided by the company which may upset various members of the public. One of the most recent discoveries is that screen time on cellular devices is taking over our everyday lives which can lead to physical damage such as eye strain and headaches/migraines, therefore having the hard copy would be more natural and put more pressure on the body to help potentially wind down and relax. The largest population to read 'hard' newspapers are citizens over the age of 65. Unfortunately, due to more recent technological advancements that generation have lacked to training and bringing up around these advancements and are unable to work/use them.

Citizen journalism, participatory media and relationships with audience have changed as many people are only interested in celebrity gossip or the extremes within the world, not the tragic accidents/events that happen daily. Due to the general public analysing the news and media in so many different ways to its true presentation, has resulting in a lack of potential stories to be published. Due to recent bush fires within the USA I observed the comments and people where obviously making fun of those stuck within the tragedy and blaming the police and rescue teams for not doing enough to help those in need.

Most recent studies suggest that The Daily Mail had an overall decrease of 55% of printed papers during the start of the 21st century from the 1960's. Since then online newspapers were first published and have clearly been shown through recent years to be enjoyed and used worldwide.

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