Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Music Video Notes

Camera: F, frame, A, aim, M,movement

  • Close up of his face when running away to show desperation and emotion.
  • Dancing students to show normal life while chaos is occurring.
  • Black youth are filming the chaos in reality rather than doing something to stop and change it.

Mise en scene: Costume,Lighting,Actors,Makeup,Props,Setting

Childish Gambino- This is America

  1. Gun violence, Gospel singers, Dancing, Police stereotyping, popular dancing, stolen cars. Shocked by the historical perception of black people in America, presenting racism. Uses juxtaposition to the dance moves with the actions within the background. Easter eggs are used to show hidden meanings
  2. Portrays how American media shows the faults, shows the stereotypes. Casual for gun violence. Being a role model to the youth. Presenting how the country is taking valuable lives and his happy state shows how the country carry on with their lives whilst the horrific events occur.
  3.  Values equality and wants social change and promoting 'black lives matter'.
  4. The poses and expressions present the racism of the previous era of the black people where portrayed to white audiences to entertain. The model of Jim Crow presents this.
  5. Guns are treated with more respect than black lives, the gun is carried of in a silk cloth and is carried off by a well dressed man, it is an icon rather than a life. Whilst the corpse is dragged off immediately with little delicacy. 
  6. Reference to the Charleston church shooting by a White Supremacist, he shoots the choir whilst the lyrics 'Grandma told me to get my money' therefore there is a pressure to obtain wealth.
  7. The teenagers with iPhone shows the reference to the youth that was shot by the police, it awakens the problem of police brutality.
  8. The white horse shows the death between the gang, Compton Cowboys.
  9. Dancing takes place during the riots, several popular dance moves, how people adopt black culture and turn a blind eye to the violence 

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