Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Charity advert questions

Image result for shelter charity
  • Shock 
  • Empathy
  • Raise Awareness
  • Sad
  • Supportive
  • Founded in 1966, London.
  • Homelessness and bad housing.
  • Advice to the government to make changes to help housing.
  • Campaign was launched 2011 to encourage people at risk of losing there house.
  • Poster ads, Facebook and Mobile messaging.
  • Amplify was the advertising company.
  • Pro Bono, public bonus means its free as it is a charity.
  • 1 in 200 people are homeless.

Conventions of the poster:

Image result for shelter charity poster
  1. Brand image.
  2. Slogan.
  3. Website.
  4. Main image.
  5. Information.
  6. Title.
  7. Emotion.
  8. Direct mode of address.

  • 1. What is the aim of the ad?
  • The aim of the advert is to help present homelessness in the UK and to help prevent it, to help provide an alternative (new housing or prevent leaving current housing to prevent people from 'sofa surfing' or sleeping rough. The shock effect makes you feel that you have to contribute to the charitable cause (disturbing images).
  • 2. What messages are being communicated? (How is this communicated via media language)
  • The messages that are being portrayed are that vulnerable people are being made homeless.
  • 3. what does Shelter value? (How is this communicated via media language)
  • 4. who is represented and how is this constructed? (age, race, class, issues)
  • Annotate analysing colour scheme, copy, font, tone, images

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