Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Corinne Bailey Rae & Titanium

Image result for corinne bailey rae
  • Stop where you are - April 2016.
  • Hybrid soul/pop (gene).
  • Strong British bride.
  • Nominate for three Grammy Awards, three Brits and won two MOBO awards.
  • Music changed due to family experiences.
  • 'Stop where you are' is about being present, stopping and celebrating whats happening right at this very moment.
  • Disability - N/A
  • Region - varied regions to show various representation.
  • Class - varied class with middle and lower classes to help contrast the stereotyping of middle class individuals not showing devotion those in need.
  • Age - younger generation to show the upcoming of the future generation and showing the present problems
  • Gender - ambiguous gender types to show various stereotypical characteristics of the other gender.
  • Ethnicity - varied ethnicity (black,oriental and white) to help represent different stereotypes within society and how various people are seen within society.
  • Sexuality - N/A
  • Artist - dressed in red to emphasis the love that she is trying to show through her lyrics.
  • Themes - Stereotype,  not judging by their appearance.
  • Setting - Abandoned, derelict scenes with very little background information.
  • Intertextuality - N/A
  • Frame - 
  • Angle - low angle upto the artist to show her importance, whilst the camera looks down on those in need e.g the homeless women to show that she is in need.
  • Movement - A lot of slow motion picture to show the audience the reality within the scenes.

Music Video Notes

Camera: F, frame, A, aim, M,movement

  • Close up of his face when running away to show desperation and emotion.
  • Dancing students to show normal life while chaos is occurring.
  • Black youth are filming the chaos in reality rather than doing something to stop and change it.

Mise en scene: Costume,Lighting,Actors,Makeup,Props,Setting

Childish Gambino- This is America

  1. Gun violence, Gospel singers, Dancing, Police stereotyping, popular dancing, stolen cars. Shocked by the historical perception of black people in America, presenting racism. Uses juxtaposition to the dance moves with the actions within the background. Easter eggs are used to show hidden meanings
  2. Portrays how American media shows the faults, shows the stereotypes. Casual for gun violence. Being a role model to the youth. Presenting how the country is taking valuable lives and his happy state shows how the country carry on with their lives whilst the horrific events occur.
  3.  Values equality and wants social change and promoting 'black lives matter'.
  4. The poses and expressions present the racism of the previous era of the black people where portrayed to white audiences to entertain. The model of Jim Crow presents this.
  5. Guns are treated with more respect than black lives, the gun is carried of in a silk cloth and is carried off by a well dressed man, it is an icon rather than a life. Whilst the corpse is dragged off immediately with little delicacy. 
  6. Reference to the Charleston church shooting by a White Supremacist, he shoots the choir whilst the lyrics 'Grandma told me to get my money' therefore there is a pressure to obtain wealth.
  7. The teenagers with iPhone shows the reference to the youth that was shot by the police, it awakens the problem of police brutality.
  8. The white horse shows the death between the gang, Compton Cowboys.
  9. Dancing takes place during the riots, several popular dance moves, how people adopt black culture and turn a blind eye to the violence 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Charity Advert Essay

Analyse how social and cultural context can influence advertising? (15 marks)

  • Make judgement and reach a conclusion on why they advertise this way.
The colour scheme of these adverts is very standard, consisting of red, black and white. The plain colours connote a sense of seriousness about the issue and shows that homelessness is not a joke. The simple colour scheme helps present one easily recognizable message without much inference from the audience. The advert also contains emotive language in order to gain empathy from the audience. The words are painted across the faces of the individuals on the advert to connote their potential thought processes however it also creates a seriousness as the words are so close to the audience in a bright bold font in the middle of the spread.  The vague description of the words helps the audiences imagination play a key role to expect the worse and feel very sympathetic to those in need or imagine a family/friend or relative to be in that situation. Creating the atmosphere for the reader creates a sense of tension and potential change to help support the campaign. The social context helps portray the seriousness of the problem as many homeless are clearly visible in most towns and cities lying helpless with nothing!

The lack of diversity when representing the photos help show that anyone can potentially become homeless, therefore it shows there is no stereotype for people that become homeless (which is emphasised by the 'normal' looking people on the poster). There is a possibility that the individuals presented are ethnically diverse however there isn't much evidence. The expressions on the faces are very bland and serious, this is ambiguous as it helps represent how anyone can become homeless however it allows the reader visualise the advert as they desire - some worrying more than others-. As the pale plain faces connotes that the people may be feeling weak and vulnerable however the Shelter charity can help vigorously reverse this... The brand image/logo is a key component of the campaign as the 'H' is in the shape of a house, this reminds the audience how the charity will either help you fund for a house or maintain your housing status. On the other hand, i believe that this makes the audience feel sympathetic to those in need as they begin to remanice the good and joyful memories they have experienced in the own homes.

Each poster contains a difference scenario that shows how different people can become homeless in different situations. This is used to inform people that anyone is vulnerable but it can potentially happen in anyway! This creates links to social context of the audience of the luxury's they enjoy everyday however those in need don't even have a roof over the head again adding to the sympathy.

In conclusion, I believe that the images are used to show the inequalities of wealth in society (Shown through the lack of emotion on the posters), In addition this creates a sense of sympathy from the audience as innocent people are losing there homes. Postmodernism is used to show shocking images of innocent children to create a shock and reaction to try and gain peoples support and financial gain.

Charity advert questions

Image result for shelter charity
  • Shock 
  • Empathy
  • Raise Awareness
  • Sad
  • Supportive
  • Founded in 1966, London.
  • Homelessness and bad housing.
  • Advice to the government to make changes to help housing.
  • Campaign was launched 2011 to encourage people at risk of losing there house.
  • Poster ads, Facebook and Mobile messaging.
  • Amplify was the advertising company.
  • Pro Bono, public bonus means its free as it is a charity.
  • 1 in 200 people are homeless.

Conventions of the poster:

Image result for shelter charity poster
  1. Brand image.
  2. Slogan.
  3. Website.
  4. Main image.
  5. Information.
  6. Title.
  7. Emotion.
  8. Direct mode of address.

  • 1. What is the aim of the ad?
  • The aim of the advert is to help present homelessness in the UK and to help prevent it, to help provide an alternative (new housing or prevent leaving current housing to prevent people from 'sofa surfing' or sleeping rough. The shock effect makes you feel that you have to contribute to the charitable cause (disturbing images).
  • 2. What messages are being communicated? (How is this communicated via media language)
  • The messages that are being portrayed are that vulnerable people are being made homeless.
  • 3. what does Shelter value? (How is this communicated via media language)
  • 4. who is represented and how is this constructed? (age, race, class, issues)
  • Annotate analysing colour scheme, copy, font, tone, images

Old Spice Analysis

How was Old Spice traditionally advertised?
The advertisement was gender stereotypical, typically Old Spice seemed to be a masculine present (Fathers Day), although the women products was created before the male however seemed to absent from 1937 on. Whilst in 1938 male products were produced. The adverts had a vintage style font with vast amounts of text. However during the 80's and 90's it switched to minimal text and colossal images - consisting of social anxieties, men with muscular physiques-.

What are the similarities / differences (old and new ads)?
The similarities between the old and new adverts are that they both show a gender stereotype with body type and physique, they also show the sexuality inequality's. On the other hand, postmodernism is used in the new advertisements to create a new brand image to resell the product to a new audience. The idea of Bricolage to help adapt and change old ideas to form new ones.

How did the new campaign fit with this historical strategy?
Social anxieties are still used, athletic and muscular bodies represent the male obsession with their body image almost sexualising the advert for female audience and male to aspire to. The importance of heterosexuality is important in constructing the advert to be able to sell the product to women.

Which products/companies were the main competitors and in what ways?
Dove seemed to be the main competitor, as the new product as launched, the advertising was very creative and relatable helping boost sales. The previous vast audience of women creates a vast advantage as the heterosexuality of the product causes the males other halves to buy the product for them due to their personal good experiences with the products.

What techniques are employed in: The TV commercials / The print ads / The Social Media campaign
The Tv commercials use relatable content to help provide word of mouth context, this helps spread the word and increasing the sale of the product, whilst the social media pages are probably the largest media format which is very easy for a vast audience to like and share. Significant images and messages are used to help create a memory of the product which is usually done through humour in present day.

5. What social and cultural issues are raised by the campaign?
The use of athletic bodies create a sense of social anxieties, as their body images generate a desire to look like them or become insecure. The gender stereotype is still shown as it suggests that all males should look muscular and enjoy certain things in life.

6. Who is the actor (Isaiah Mustafa) in this campaign? Why was he chosen?
Isaiah Mustafa is currently an American Football player (NFL) and an American actor, he was used in this advert due his athletic physique to help attract females to the advert and help sell the product. Also it helps fight the race inequality in many advertising.