Friday, March 6, 2020


Q: ‘Representations of social, cultural and historical events can vary within long form television from different countries.’ Discuss how and why audiences might respond to and interpret these representations differently. 
In your answer you must: 
·         consider the contexts in which long form television dramas are produced and consumed
·         explain how media contexts may have influenced different aspects of realism and audience response in the set episodes of the two long form television dramas you have studied 
·         make judgements and reach conclusions about the differences in realism of social, cultural and historical circumstances between the two set episodes.

·      D83 and Stranger things have been studied.
·      English and German trailers for D83 were very different to suit the audience.

The two media long form television drama programmes I have studied are Deutschland 83 (German speaking narrative) and Stranger Things (English speaking narrative). Both being set in the 1980’s however both having varying representations. Netflix the distributer of Stranger Things, is platform agonistic international company with over 160 million monthly subscribers already with a vast audience. Due to the vast success and target audience worldwide, it had a budget of $6 million per episode in series 1, with over $15 million on marketing the LFTVD with large conglomerate company’s such as Coca Cola, Nike, Adidas, Chevrolet and Burger King. Well-known brands such as Top shop and Primark produced clothing products with the Stranger things characters and setting upon them spreading the awareness of the LFTVD allowing fans to purchase and act as a self-marketing campaign (Jenkins idea of Fandom active participants of the circulation of media types). Hesmodhalgh theory of minimising risk and maximising profit is heavily subverted with Stranger Things due to the niche narrative and originality with characters and representations. However, Netflix being such a large conglomerate have the chance to task risks and create more niche LFTVD, which evidentially paid off due to 40 million households streaming the first episode within four days of it being released. Therefore, within a large population of Netflix’s audience being American due to the cheaper alternative from expensive, long cable TV contracts it was very popular due to the verisimilitude factor for the Americans due the drama being set in 80’s America.

Whereas Deutschland 83 was produced to three different distinct audience types. RTL produced and distributed for the German audience. Due to the German audience this LFTVD had many elements of verisimilitude therefore it was unpopular due to the unpopular history and negative representation of parts of Germany during the Cold War. Whereas through Walter presents on Channel 4 for the UK it was very popular with 5 million views of the first series in a month of it being shown, this is due to the varying political views within the UK matching the description of the representation of East VS West in Deutschland 83 however not as extreme. The production of Deutschland 83 is seen as ‘old’ due to the traditional productional values of using TV channels to distribute the programme such as Sundance, RTL and Channel 4 with this it is targeting an older more mature audience even though most of the channels are platform agnostic on demand. Due to historical contexts for the German, British and American audience it affects their involvement and personalisation to relate to the program (making it popular in some country’s more than others).

Due to Netflix’s excess success it allowed it to have a budget of $6million per episode consisting of post editing, acting and directing. With Stranger Things due to the theme of the supernatural vast amount of effects and post editing was required showing elements of postmodernism, for example when will is cycling home on his chopper bike – an intertextual link to a typical prop in the 1980’s for young teenagers – suddenly non diegetic (added sound effects are evident) to make the audience aware of the supernatural theme in this scene. An alien like figure is present in a dark, dusk setting in the woods created by a low stationary shot to show how Will is exposed and has a lack of control in this situation. Whilst the story line of Stranger Things is chronological to show a clear flow and story line to the narrative, however in-between the story line multiple sudden jump cuts are placed to the show the fast paced serious/sinister tone subverting to the young youthful teenagers trying to find their friend. 

Deutschland 83 follows a chronological structure, showing Martin living in the East serving his country showing a state of equilibrium, however this is short lived as he is recruited/drugged to work in the west as an undercover spy. Todorov stating how a media text shows a state of equilibrium which is then prevented by a disruption this theory is very effective for D83 showing a clear structure. Due to the overall negative portrayal of Germanys history. Therefore, this creates an enigma for the German audience due to the repetition and representation of negative historic events gaining a lack of audience approval however from an English/American perspective it is an informative/action packed spy drama, targeting a vast target audience. Due to Channel 4 and Sundance vast national recognition it allowed D83 to be available to a vast network through two platforms. (Providing alternative media -original-). Baudrillard theory helps show the verisimilitude of Ronald Reagans speech, real newspapers from the era and replica uniforms to fit the time period where as the action packed spy drama scenes e.g passing of secrete cameras and phone calls to the East suggest a form of Hyper reality helping entertain the audience and gain their full attention.

Gender in D83 is shown through various powerful figures such as Martin a white young male, who gains the most screen time showing to had some power due to working for the East German Army in this instance he is presented as the man of the house following a patriarchal approach, however Annett Martins girlfriend is shown to be independent and powerful contrasting Van Zoonens theory of patriarchal ideologies due to her female character not seen as just an object but an important lead to the narrative and the political ideologies of female right in the communist part of East Berlin.  However, during Stranger Things, the mother of Will is shown to be a stereotypical female showing typical values of taking care of the house and children, this conforms to Van Zoonens theory due to the Western Patriarchy in America in the 1980’s. However, Nancy Wheeler a young up and coming adult is subverting the stereotype of women’s body’s being seen as objects as she pushes Steve Harrington away the typical (high school jock) and focussing on school study rather than being treated as an object subverting typical western 80’s ideologies.

The military/government are represented to be powerful with opposing ideologies, the west government supported capitalistic views and beliefs contrasting to the East of equality and communistic views creating a vast conflict over beliefs and ideologies splitting Germany. Therefore, the government were shown to be upfront and truthful however the East employed spy’s who Martin represents, trying to access information about the Wests attack upon the East. Themes of corruption and power are evident due to both wanting a common goal. The differing audiences for D83 with infer from the TV Drama that Germany was once very corrupt making vast mistakes and cut enormous corners to try and gain success adding to some negative connotations as a nation from a German perspective.

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