Wednesday, February 5, 2020

D83 Characters

D83 Characters


Martin Rauch, Moritz Stamm
Major or Minor Character?
Major Character
Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
Conforms the stereotype when working as a Soldier in the east, however when moving to the west as an undercover spy he subverts his typical political views and ideologies to try and fit into that society to gain trust and information.
Caring, talented, family/girlfriend orientated.
Communist ideologies due to living is east Berlin. Confused when first walking into a supermarket seeing all different branding and groceries available. Shown through the long shot making him feel small.
Contribution to Narrative?
Showing typical communism views, main character showing the personal factors occurring between both politically sided individuals and sides of Berlin.

Lenora Rauch
Martin’s Aunt 
Major or Minor Character?
Major Character
Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
Conforms to the stereotype in the East as they promote women’s equality. Whereas men are seen to be superior as rigidly patriachial.

Powerful, exposed to luxury’s even when supporting eastern communism views.

Contribution to Narrative?
She is very important in the narrative as she firstly speaks about Martin being the spy to help the East spy on the West warfare.

General Wolfgang Edel
Major or Minor Character?
Major Characteristic
Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?

Conforms the stereotype when shown is his office, whereas shown in his own home (comfort zone) he refers to fish as his ‘silent friends’ showing sympathy to animals subverting strong mate ideologies in west Berlin.

Capitalistic ideologies, war orientated, strict, authority, nurturing.
Contribution to Narrative?
He is the main catalyst in West Berlin who employs Martin.

Walter Schweppenstette
Major or Minor Character?
Major character/minor role.
Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
Conforms the stereotype of a strong and smart spy who controls Martin (high in ranks) authorities to eventually persuade him.

Has authority, controlling, calm yet purposeful.

Contribution to Narrative?

Annett Schneider
Martins GF 
Major or Minor Character?
Minor character
Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?

Conforms the stereotype as she shows love and devotion to Martin when he returns home for the family party. When he goes ‘missing’ she shows care and questions Martins mum about his where abouts.
Kind, caring and loving.

Contribution to Narrative?

Alex Edel
General Edel’s son 

Major or Minor Character?
Minor character
Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?

Subverts the stereotype as he states Martins quotes as if you sound like my dad.

Contribution to Narrative?


Tobias Tischbier
Major or Minor Character?
Minor character
Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?

Conforms the stereotype of trying to persuade Morritz to help the country, however, subverts the typical Eastern communist as he has no family or history to return to.

Strong minded, wise and aware of the Western ideologies.
Contribution to Narrative?

General Arnold Jackson
Major or Minor Character?
Major/minor role.
Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?

Conforms the stereotype by showing typical patriarchal views and ideologies.

Stupid, capitalist.
Contribution to Narrative?
Supplies the documents for Morittz to photograph and report back to the Eastern government/Berlin.

Add characters:
  • mum
  • PA 
  • Edel’s daughter
Anyone else?

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