Friday, January 24, 2020

Stranger Things Essay

How are different social groups represented in the sequence you have analysed? What role does the use of media language, signs and signifiers have in constructing and presenting these representations as real? 500 words.

Hopper – the local police sheriff – is first shown to subvert the stereotype. Professions such as a police sheriff have a stereotype of being clean, organised and well educated however in the opening scene of Hoppers house this is extremely subverted from the modern-day stereotype. A panning shot around his front room shows a oak table covered in empty beers cans, left-over food and cigarette butts this emphasises heavy toxification. This representation of Hopper diminishes the ideologies of Hopper being a role model and guardian to the town as he is seen to be superior and be the answer to everyone’s problems. Hopper is presented in this way to firstly subvert the stereotype but to grab the audience’s attention from the offset. In toxification is often abused when going through a stressful time or having mental incapability’s therefore this side of Hopper is showed to add to his back story and create an opposing stereotype and make it feel real to the audience. The camera shots are mostly tracking, faded and quick cut to show the flow of Hoppers morning routine adding to the realism of the event -not just a one-time event-. The beginning shots emphasise the morning routine of an addict, it isn’t until he is buttoning up his shirt and placing his sheriffs’ badge, he becomes a worthy character to the audience and question begin to arise why is he being portrayed in this fashion for comedy or purpose? The diegetic sound from the tv states ‘Now let’s hear from our happiest weather man’ as Hopper is seen slamming his front door this speech is used to contradict one another and create a negative representation on Hopper and make the audience feel as though he lacks motivation for his role in society.

As Hopper enters the office in the morning he is still recognised as the dominant individual however lack of judgmental factors and authority is proposed entering again representing the lack of passion and motivation to be the Police Sheriff and how he sees it as a ‘walk in the park’. His attitude seems very relaxed and laid back potentially from previous easy shifts/years at work or not having a motivational drive this begins to explain the unclean and messy front living room of Hoppers house. This representation of Hopper is stereotypical to the Police in the 80’s. The representation of him being lazy and uncaring is solidified when will has gone missing and he states ’99 out of 100 times the kids are with family or relatives’ showing no emotional desperation or concern in the case, subverting to modern policing values. However, as the episode develops Hopper plays a key role using perceptual skills to help analyse and find Will. 

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