Wednesday, May 1, 2019


    Image result for titanium song
  • Song by David Guetta and Sia.
  • August 8th 2011
  • Urban dance and house.
  • Katy Perry rejected the song.
  • Supernatural scene in and urban scene.
  • Enigma codes. 
  • Premiered in December 2011.
  • Violent lyrics, heavily weapon related.
  • Lyrics promote inner strength.
  • Inspirational.
Special Powers.
Purity affecting body or mind.
Standing up for what you believe in.
Adults vs Children.

D- describe
I - in detail
S - stetting (Abandoned school, street, home -derelict-, Winter/autumn)
T - themes
I - icons (Keys, bike, guns, paper, floating teddy)
N - narrative (Brave child with powers, chaos at school, cycle home, knock down the door, explodes on the floor).
C - characters (Teacher, police, FBI, two jogging labels)
T - Textual analysis.


Medium close up facing him from behind, he is presented in the middle of the corridor where chaos has occurred signifying how he is literally in the middle of the problem and is the cause.

The first extreme close up shows the chaos and signifys how he is confused and dazed about the situation.

The last clip is a long shot showing the boy looking down upon him making the audience feel sympathetic towards him.

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