Friday, May 3, 2019

Music Video Essay

“Music videos reflect the social and cultural context in which they were made” Discuss this statement through a comparison of the two music videos you have studied. One mv from list A (CBR) and one from list B (DG).

'Stop where you are' by CBR is set in a isolated sub-urban setting, this connotes some cultural contexts negatively due to stereotyping throughout the music video. CBR is dressed in a scarlet red dress helping emphasis the feeling of love and devotion contrasting the visuals throughout the music video. Various interactions with these characters shows how they are on the cusp of society or is physically discriminated. However halfway through the music video a contrast of the individual shot shows the change of society overtime. CBR chooses this society as it conforms the stereotype.We see her interact with these characters at different points in the video. All of these actions show a balance in society when the chorus kicks in and the scenes become happier in the uplifting chorus and beat towards the middle of the track.

The first main long shot presents a dirty, isolated stair case. However after 20 seconds the mid shot of the girl is a close up and facing the camera to show how the youth are mentally growing and getting stronger. The representation of her oriental ethnicity could potentially show her segregation to the stereotypical white male dominated society. Additionally, this particular person is placed to the far left of the shot, showing that she is on the edge of society, and their environment, in this urban world, is extremely overwhelming, resulting in a small and insignificant individual. Moreover, their body language is rather slouched and lent against the wall, almost as if she is seeking moral support to regain a status in society. However, this natural lighting somewhat juxtaposes this negative idea of being misunderstood and isolated, and supports the positive theme of seizing the moment and celebrating it.

In the music video 'Titanium', the boy is constantly under pressure, shown through the (confused facial expression) and there is no uplifting moment, leaving him increasingly isolated and alone. The first shot tracks out of an close up of the boy showing the rubble and distruction of thre class room around, reflecting a sense of unknown identity (linking to Corrine Bailey Rae’s theme of misunderstanding and lack of recognition.)  In the final shots, he appears insignificant compared to his surroundings - he is becoming isolated and pushed out into the world by social impacts. It shows that the boy is not only being isoltaed via society but by the natural elements such as the forests and rivers. In this video there is also cultural context through intertextuality of the film 'Super 8' but more importantly through the metaphoric references of the american shootings and 'bullets' from the lyrics. The low level close up, side view of the shadowed gun could possibly reference the tragic shootings and the extremely short screen time could support the meaning of how the public, news, this society etc. almost ‘brushes/skips’ over the american shootings (context) as if they were insignificant to them. Moreover the shadow could represent the school bullies as they loom behind the house.

In conclusion, both CBR and Titanium emphasis the theme of misunderstanding of society and potential mystery of the unknown, as the young male is scared and running from the whole world contrasting to stereotype of a child as they should be enjoying playing with friends and family. On the other hand, CBR shows conforms the stereotyping of certain individuals to help the audience understand the context of the urban setting however this is later contrasted by saturated colour scheming.

Titanium analysis

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


    Image result for titanium song
  • Song by David Guetta and Sia.
  • August 8th 2011
  • Urban dance and house.
  • Katy Perry rejected the song.
  • Supernatural scene in and urban scene.
  • Enigma codes. 
  • Premiered in December 2011.
  • Violent lyrics, heavily weapon related.
  • Lyrics promote inner strength.
  • Inspirational.
Special Powers.
Purity affecting body or mind.
Standing up for what you believe in.
Adults vs Children.

D- describe
I - in detail
S - stetting (Abandoned school, street, home -derelict-, Winter/autumn)
T - themes
I - icons (Keys, bike, guns, paper, floating teddy)
N - narrative (Brave child with powers, chaos at school, cycle home, knock down the door, explodes on the floor).
C - characters (Teacher, police, FBI, two jogging labels)
T - Textual analysis.


Medium close up facing him from behind, he is presented in the middle of the corridor where chaos has occurred signifying how he is literally in the middle of the problem and is the cause.

The first extreme close up shows the chaos and signifys how he is confused and dazed about the situation.

The last clip is a long shot showing the boy looking down upon him making the audience feel sympathetic towards him.

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CBR Music Video