Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Revision Questions

How does media language incorporate viewpoints and ideologies in the Daily Mail and the Guardian?

  • Hard/soft news
  • Headlines, captions
  • Choices of photos
  • Evidence of objectivity and subjectivity
  • Compare ads
The Guardian presents a very formal front page on the website the photo used to present the pm with happy emotions however this clearly is used to contradict her current feelings and actions towards brexit. The use of this Headline presents the hard news that has been used to deliver a serious case to the audience without humour, as the audience of the guardian are predominantly shown to be left wing (labour) therefore presenting May in a bad way helps the audience associate the severity of the case and read the rest of the news. The noun consensus is used to portray the lack of trust and agreement within government at the moment; especially within the tori party as they usually are united however are not in this instance whilst the uk are incorporated in a major deal that could have a vast effect of the future. The Guardian presents a more objective text as it delivers the news within a nutshell without missing any key facts or trying to please the audience.

On the other hand, the Daily Mail use soft news about the Royals to prevent repetition within the news and effectively prevent boredom of the reader, therefore vast pictures were used to dominant the page, then the titles and captions are also very large to try and create 'important' news. The news topics clearly represent the audience. The subjective titles try to co-operate with the audience to create an emotional state of the audience to feel sympathetic for the royal children and the recent royal wedding, this is presented by the image showing three children all smiling with there parents in a natural setting.

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